
La salma di papa Ratzinger esposta al Mater Ecclesiae. Benedetto ha il rosario tra le mani – Cronaca

1 gen 2023

1 gen 2023

Il Papa emerito con la mitra in testa e i paramenti liturgici rossi. La salma tra il presepe e l’albero di Natale

1 gen 2023

The corpse of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) exhibited in the chapel of the Mater Ecclesiae monastery at the Vatican City, 01 January 2023. Pope Benedict XVI wears red liturgical vestments and has a miter on his head. In his hands he has a rosary. He wears the shoes instead of the comfortable sandals he had chosen as his favorite footwear since he became Pope Emeritus. This is what can be seen from the photographs released by the Vatican press office. Inside the chapel, the body is placed in front of the altar, between the crib and the Christmas tree. ANSA/VATICAN MEDIA +++ ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING +++

La salma di Papa Ratzinger esposta nella cappella del monastero di Mater Ecclesiae (Ansa)

The corpse of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) exhibited in the chapel of the Mater Ecclesiae monastery at the Vatican City, 01 January 2023. Pope Benedict XVI wears red liturgical vestments and has a miter on his head. In his hands he has a rosary. He wears the shoes instead of the comfortable sandals he had chosen as his favorite footwear since he became Pope Emeritus. This is what can be seen from the photographs released by the Vatican press office. Inside the chapel, the body is placed in front of the altar, between the crib and the Christmas tree. ANSA/VATICAN MEDIA +++ ANSA PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS HANDOUT PHOTO TO BE USED SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON THE FACTS OR EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS IMAGE; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING +++

La salma di Papa Ratzinger esposta nella cappella del monastero di Mater Ecclesiae (Ansa)

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