
Afghanistan, università vietate alle donne: “L

20 dic 2022

20 dic 2022

Una decisione condannata da Washington: “Va contro gli impegni che hanno assunto ripetutamente e pubblicamente nei confronti del proprio popolo”

20 dic 2022

epa10297440 Afghan girls take classes at Ekhlas Center, a private educational institution providing free education for nearly 2,000 female students above the sixth grade, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 09 November 2022 (issued 10 November 2022). The center imparts classes related to partial school curriculum, Konkur preparation and sewing techniques. The center, according to its head and main funder Haseebullah Maliar, is at risk of closing due to lack of further funding. Parents of girls who are not able to attend high school due a Taliban ban welcomed the initiative while demanding the reopening of regular schools above the grade six. On 18 September 2021 the Taliban announced the reopening of schools for boys at all levels, while girls were limited to primary education only.  EPA/STRINGER 2072

Afghanistan, università vietate alle ragazze (Ansa)

epa10297440 Afghan girls take classes at Ekhlas Center, a private educational institution providing free education for nearly 2,000 female students above the sixth grade, in Kabul, Afghanistan, 09 November 2022 (issued 10 November 2022). The center imparts classes related to partial school curriculum, Konkur preparation and sewing techniques. The center, according to its head and main funder Haseebullah Maliar, is at risk of closing due to lack of further funding. Parents of girls who are not able to attend high school due a Taliban ban welcomed the initiative while demanding the reopening of regular schools above the grade six. On 18 September 2021 the Taliban announced the reopening of schools for boys at all levels, while girls were limited to primary education only.  EPA/STRINGER 2072

Afghanistan, università vietate alle ragazze (Ansa)

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